Saturday, 24 January 2009
Today I felt a little reluctant to go play with Lily but I told myself things are never really as bad in reality as they are in your head! Catching was understandably a bit iffy but she caught me within a few minutes. I always feel like our catching game is a little like a game of chess, she makes a move, I do, she makes a move, I do until the Queen finally comes and catches the lowly pawn. :P

They were shooting in the next field which tested my Savvy under rather intense situations, we moseyed and as a friendly game, I flicked my savvy string over her hindquarters and rested it there as we walked along. But when things got too much and guns were blazing, I played falling leaf until she calmed down, she really got the idea of it quickly and it helped a lot although I kept tripping up over the 22ft line. After the shooters had moved on, we played a little driving game here and there, incorporating touch it with follow the rail and then to finish I played friendly game on the move in zones 2,3 but concentrating the most on zone 4 until she licked and chewed.

Because today has been such a lovely day, I'm going out to play with her again this afternoon! The plan is to play the basic porcupine and driving games but refining them and once again concentrate on zones 4 and 5. The blog entries will mostly be about zones 4/5 for a while until she's more confident and we can move on! Oh and she's getting a lot more confident with the 22ft line dragging around and behind her the more we mosey which is always good. :)

And my January Savvy club DVD arrived today which has just made it even better! I'm off to watch it for a little while, let my lunch settle and then I'm back out in the sun again for another play! Yahoo!

EDIT: So my DVD is warped and doesn't play properly, hmph. I went to go play with Lily a second time only to see that she was in rightbrain overdrive; she was disconnected, jumpy and just wanted to move her feet with this expression on her face (o.O) so we moseyed again and played stick to me on-line. That combo helped a lot but just as she was starting to come off adrenaline, I saw another load of shooters pull up. So I turned her out on a relatively good note rather than have to go through the kuffufle of shooters vs. me thing, I'm very glad I did because the shots were louder and more frequent and all 5 horses freaked out. My afternoon didn't exactly go as planned but it still wasn't as bad as it could've been and that's good enough for me!
posted by Lucy at 12:55 pm -
  • At 24 January 2009 at 17:07, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds like an overall good day!

    That sucks about your dvd, i wont be getting mine until March and i'm not going to be happy if its warped too...


  • At 25 January 2009 at 18:58, Blogger Em said…

    Well done for setting yourself up for succsess and letting Lilly go before the shooters get too out of hand. One thing i always remember Pat say is, we play and ride for tomorrow :)

    Sounds like you both had a fab day, and you've both moved on from your learning curve :)

    Hope you manage to sort out your DVD because i can assure you... It's mind blowing :):):)

    Savvy on girly, your doing awsome :)

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About Me
My name is Lucy Middleton, I'm 17 years old and from the United Kingdom.
I started Parelli in January 2008 and it has been an incredible journey so far.
Pre-Parelli I did the best with what I knew but now I know better; I want to do better!
This is my blog to document my progress as a natural horseman.

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    I am owned by this gorgeous piebald cob mare, Lily. She's an interesting character, fun to play with and is a great teacher.

    There's more about her on her own page.
The Philosophy
    It's not about disposable horses; it's about relationships for life.
    It's not about quick fixes and artificial aids, it's about savvy; true understanding and expertise.
    It's not about winning and others losing; It's about win-win: you and the horse need to feel good.
    It's not about me me me; It's about changing the world for horses, becoming a person of knowledge and influence, and sharing what you know.
    It's not about fear and doubt; It's about unconditional love and trust.
    Love for the empowerment of others and trust that you'll never ask the horse to do something that would hurt or diminish his dignity.

    Reveal your horse. Discover your potential. Live your dream.

Profile designed, made and coded by Lucy Parelli Student.