Thursday, 21 August 2008
50th post, wahey!

I went up yesterday (Wednesday) and decided that my only plan was to film Benji and Lily in their natural state (not on line, unbrushed and in their herd environment) and to carry on the 22ft desensitisation.

I took about 16mins of footage and that has been the only video I've been able to edit and publish so far. The song is "What More Do You Want?" by The Plain White Tee's and I thought it was very fitting as they're both wanting my attention solely on them. It also seems to fit in timewise which is awesome. Notice how much more confident Lily is, it's fantastic! I really do think that with time and more situations like this where the foreign object didn't turn out to be a lion will build even more confidence and she'll reveal an innate LBe/LBi character. I can guarantee that she hasn't always been more right brain; abuse, mistrust and a breakdown in horse-human communication caused it.

That video was after I played friendly game desensitisation with Benji on line. He knew the score and after having sticky feet then pawing the ground at the start; he was licking and chewing, blinking, had slack in the rope and good head carriage. This will blow your minds though for those who know Lily... As I was doing 100% retreat whilst smacking the end of the 22ft line on the floor she was following me at liberty every step of the way! Having both ponies not entirely sure that I'm sane but treating me as the leader was awesome and as soon as I got nice soft expressions from both for more than 3 steps I quit and turned him out.

You will see from the videos I took of him prior to the play session why I was so happy with him even then. He was being the cocky, pushy little dude that I know and love, I was even letting him overdo the 'I'm boss hoss' act so I can get his confidence back.
I explained in the films that have yet to be edited whilst he was frisking me for treats and nudging/nipping my hands: I am not unknowingly letting him walk all over me. I'm very much aware and I am happy about that behaviour because his recent right-brain characteristics were concerning. I feel that I could always put him back in his place when dominant but find it harder to encourage trust and confidence from him when he is wide-eyed and starey. I'd much rather him behave like that than act like he's shell-shocked because Benji is a very happy, charismatic, cheeky little guy and we love him that way!

I hope you can pick up on my radiating happy vibes that he was left brain yesterday! Wahoo! :)

Expect more vids soon and you can always catch them on my youtube channel anytime.

Savvy on!
posted by Lucy at 9:30 pm -
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About Me
My name is Lucy Middleton, I'm 17 years old and from the United Kingdom.
I started Parelli in January 2008 and it has been an incredible journey so far.
Pre-Parelli I did the best with what I knew but now I know better; I want to do better!
This is my blog to document my progress as a natural horseman.

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    I am owned by this gorgeous piebald cob mare, Lily. She's an interesting character, fun to play with and is a great teacher.

    There's more about her on her own page.
The Philosophy
    It's not about disposable horses; it's about relationships for life.
    It's not about quick fixes and artificial aids, it's about savvy; true understanding and expertise.
    It's not about winning and others losing; It's about win-win: you and the horse need to feel good.
    It's not about me me me; It's about changing the world for horses, becoming a person of knowledge and influence, and sharing what you know.
    It's not about fear and doubt; It's about unconditional love and trust.
    Love for the empowerment of others and trust that you'll never ask the horse to do something that would hurt or diminish his dignity.

    Reveal your horse. Discover your potential. Live your dream.

Profile designed, made and coded by Lucy Parelli Student.